Design Process

We want to make your home one-of-a-kind! At Ellason Signature Homes we know that building your dream home is more than owning a piece of real estate. It’s about collaboratively designing an original piece of art that cannot be replicated. That is why we NEVER use stock plans.

Our Design Consultant will meet with you and together you will answer questionnaires to determine what is your “personal style” and what is your “dream home.” She will go room by room giving you design ideas until your house is a perfect reflection of “you and your lifestyle”. We will then draw up your plans and review them until perfection is met. But the designing does not end when the plans are done. Every client has the designer throughout the building process and she will set up a weekly walk through to discuss and answer any questions you may have.

As well,  Ellason Signature Homes is here to service all aspects of the building process. We hold wholesale accounts for wallpaper, window coverings and furniture in which our clients are privileged to our direct pricing.  Our Designer also works with local artists, to help you put the finishing touches in your home.

At Ellason Signature Homes we have thought of every step to creating that perfect home just for you.
